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Product availability chart showing all the crops we grow and which months they are available.

What do we grow? A little bit of everything! As a diverse vegetable farm harvesting produce from May through December & beyond, we grow (or have grown) just about anything you can grow successfully in Iowa.


What don't we grow? Well, sweet corn for one. Over the years we have learned that there are some crops that don't seem to make sense to grow due to low demand or are not efficient on our smaller scale. 


Fortunately, we are lucky to have access to other certified organic Iowa growers with larger, more mechanized operations that can grow these crops much better than us. We occasionally source produce from those farms when available, making sure to always indicate when CSA & Online FarmStand produce comes from somewhere other than the farm (and its always certified organic or chemical-free).  


CSA members can also expect to occasionally receive produce from the farm not found on this chart, such as edamame (fresh soybeans), wild foraged vegetables, and more. We like to experiment and mix it up a little. 


100% of the produce marketed through consumer coops & buying clubs, grocery stores, and wholesale comes directly from Middle Way Farm.

Mailing Address: 1325 4th Ave, Grinnell, Iowa 50112


Farm Address: 3633 Hwy 146, Grinnell, Iowa 50112


Email: jordan at


Phone: Six Four One Eight Two One Zero Seven Five Three

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